16 Ocak 2025 Perşembe

İş İlanı

Kütahya Altıntaş Europen Solar Cam Fabrikası için

MYO veya EML mezunu




-Makine bakım


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19 Mart 2024 Salı

Teaching mobility Kerim KARABACAK (Dumlupinar Univeristy)

From March 4th to March 8th, 2024, we had the honor to welcome our colleague Dr. Kerim KARABACAK, assistant professor of the Faculty of Electronics and Automation at the University of Kutahya Dumlupinar (Turkey) for a teaching mobility at UTTOP. His research work based on modelling and identification of power electronics design and control systems as well as renewable energy systems made it possible for him to conceive a course designed for our third year students. He taught the whole S5 promotion about Modelling systems during an introductory two-hour course and then applied the theory during three practical courses with simulations on the Matlab software within smaller groups of students along the week.

Thanks to Pr Mourad BENOUSSAAD who coordinated his teaching and training program, Dr. Kerim KARABACAK had the opportunity to be introduced to several lecturers of the Production Engineering Laboratory: Philippe FILLATREAU, Baptiste TRAJIN and Paul-Etienne VIDAL to discover their research on virtual reality and efficiency of electrical energy conversion systems.

IRO team, ENIT students and teachers are very happy about this fruitful collaboration that will be continued in the future.


İş İlanı

Kütahya Altıntaş Europen Solar Cam Fabrikası için MYO veya EML mezunu -Elektrik-elektronik -Mekatronik -Otomasyon -Makine bakım -Metal Bölüm...