

Yayın Faaliyetleri

Scı, Scı- Expanded, Sscı veya Ahcı Tarafından Taranan Dergilerde Yayınlanmış Tam Makale  

Kerim KARABACAK, Numan ÇETİN, Artificial Neural Networks for controlling Wind-PV Power Systems: A review, "Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews ", 29, (2014), s.804-827

Bekir Mumyakmaz, Kerim KARABACAK, An E-Nose based indoor air quality monitoring system: Prediction of combustible and toxic gas concentrations, "Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences " (2013)  

Uluslararası Bir Kurum/Kuruluş Tarafından Düzenlenmiş, Hakemli Bir Kongre/Sempozyumda Sunulmuş ve Kongre Bildiriler Kitabında Veya Bildiriler Cd Sinde Yer Alan Bir Tam Tebliğ

Kerim KARABACAK, Numan Sabit ÇETİN, Design and Application of an ANN controlled Off Grid Inverter for PV Power Systems, "ISEM2016, 3rd International Symposium on Environment and Morality ", , (2016), s.

Uluslararası Bir Kurum/Kuruluş Tarafından Düzenlenmiş Hakemli Bir Kongre/Sempozyumda Sunulmuş Ancak Basılmamış Tebliğ

Kerim KARABACAK, Numan ÇETİN, Artificial Neural Network Control System for Wind-PV Hybrid Power Systems, "Conference of the WindPower Engineering Community ",Berlin, Germany, (2013) 

Ulusal Dergide Yayımlanmış Tam Makale

Kerim KARABACAK, Ali TELLİ, Genetik Algoritma Kullanılarak Hibrit Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynaklarının Maliyet Minimizasyonu , "Yalvaç Akademi Dergisi ", 2, (2018), s.41-54 

Ulusal Bir Kurum/Kuruluş Tarafından Düzenlenen Hakemli Bir Kongre/Sempozyumda Sunulmuş ve Konferans Bildiri Kitabında veya Bildiriler Cd'sinde Yer Alan Basılmış Tam Tebliğ

Kerim KARABACAK, Numan ÇETİN, Rüzgâr-fotovoltaik güç sistemlerinin kontrolü için yapay sinir ağları kullanımı, "2. Anadolu Enerji Sempozyumu ", , (2013), s.279-292  

Bekir Mumyakmaz, Cihat TAŞALTIN, Kerim KARABACAK, PVP Kaplı QCM nem sensörünün yapay sinir ağı ile kalibrasyonu, "ASYU 2010 Ak ll Sistemlerde Yenilikler ve Uygulamalar Sempozyumu " (2010), s.99-103
Ulusal Resmi veya Özel Kuruluşlar İçin Yapılıp Tamamlanan Projelerde Görevler

Rüzgâr-Fotovoltaik Hibrit Güç Sistemlerinin Yapay Sinir Ağları ile Kontrolü, "TUBITAK 1002 Projesi ", 1.2013 - 12.2013 , Numan S. ÇETİN, Kerim KARABACAK   

Yayınlarına Yapılan Atıflar

Vita, V., Christodoulou, C.A., Comparison of ANN and finite element analysis simulation software for the calculation of the electric field around metal oxide surge arresters, (2016) Electric Power Systems Research, 133, pp. 87-92. 

Isa, N.B.M., Wei, T.C., Yatim, A.H.M., Smart grid technology: Communications, power electronics and control system (2016) Proceeding - 2015 International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering and Application: Sustainable Energy for Greater Development, ICSEEA 2015, art. no. 7380737, pp. 10-14.

Muhsen, D.H., Ghazali, A.B., Khatib, T., Abed, I.A., Extraction of photovoltaic module model's parameters using an improved hybrid differential evolution/electromagnetism-like algorithm, (2015) Solar Energy, 119, pp. 286-297.

Mahesh, A., Sandhu, K.S., Hybrid wind/photovoltaic energy system developments: Critical review and findings, (2015) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 52, pp. 1135-1147.

Radianto, D., Shoyama, M., Neural network based a two phase interleaved boost converter for photovoltaic system, (2014) 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, ICRERA 2014, art. no. 7016422, pp. 430-434. 

Liu, S.J., Zheng, Z.W., The research of remote monitoring system for pv and complementary wind power plant, (2014) WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies, 59, pp. 99-106.

Halkos, G.E., Tzeremes, N.G., The effect of electricity consumption from renewable sources on countries economic growth levels: Evidence from advanced, emerging and developing economies, (2014) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 39, pp. 166-173.

Bhandari, B., Poudel, S.R., Lee, K.-T., Ahn, S.-H., Mathematical modeling of hybrid renewable energy system: A review on small hydro-solar-wind power generation, (2014) International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - Green Technology, 1 (2), pp. 157-173.

Ebrahimzadeh E, Pakkhesal A.R., Alami H.A.,Management of Electrical Propulsion and load optimization with presence of Hybrid Electrical Resources, Journal of Intelligent Systems In Press, January 2014

Mad Saad, S., Andrew, A.M., Shakaff, A.Y.M., Mohd Saad, A.R., Kamarudin, A.M.Y., Zakaria, A., Classifying sources influencing indoor air quality (IAQ) using artificial neural network (ANN), (2015) Sensors (Switzerland), 15 (5), pp. 11665-11684.

Radianto D.,Shoyama M., Neural network based a two phase interleaved boost converter for photovoltaic system, Renewable Energy Research and Application (ICRERA), 2014

Ndiaye M.F., Guérin F., Lefebvre D., Ndiaye1 P.A., Model Predictive Control and Generalized Adaptative PID for Load Sharing in Systems of Multiple Sources of Energy, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering

Vol. 4, Issue 10, October 2015

Singh V., Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Predicting Generated Wind Power, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 7(3) · January 2016

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